We all have that favorite tv show or movie character that we not only just love watching, but we actually feel like we KNOW them. There is something about their general spirit that moves our hearts, gets us laughing, or reminds us of ourselves. We rejoice when they win, cry when they experience hurt, and even feel their frustrations when things get tough. Something about them just feels so REAL.
It’s no secret or an accident that storytelling through the form of television shows and movie productions is one of the most profitable industries in the world. People love stories. And better yet, we love the characters in those stories. Anyone else picturing the old man reading Princess Bride to the young boy in the movie right now? I mean classic storytelling movie right there!
As small business owners, we have the opportunity to tell a story to our customers. What story is your brand currently telling? Is it intriguing or adding value to your audience? Is the narration of the plot consistent and exciting? Or is your voice constantly changing and confusing? Is your tone warm and soft, or are you passionate and direct?
As a viewer of your favorite show, these little details are what keep you engaged and excited about what you are watching. If the personality of your favorite character kept changing, or their voice would alter from strong to weak, you would eventually get confused and move onto another entertainment option.
Often brands and small business owners are in a rush to launch their business. And this can mean that some of these fundamental brand identity pieces get swept under the rug (and not in a cute Snow White “whistle while you work” way).
As a brand that is trying to solve a problem for your target audience, it is vital that you know how to speak to that hero (your customer) in a way that they can relate to and understand in your own unique brand personality.
With a digital market more crowded than ever, it is so important to find a brand presence that is not only unique but also built with a strategy that has your ideal client’s core desires and values in mind.
Don’t let your brand story be that book that your client picked up and only read the first chapter because you couldn’t hold their interest. Be the story they love so much that they give a copy to all their friends and family.
Craft and irresistible brand story.
If you haven’t already, take our OUR QUIZ to find out what your brand’s aesthetic should be based on YOUR personality! Because let’s face it, the pictures (AKA your aesthetic) is half the fun in reading the story!
But as you know, you need a great story and beautiful pictures to create a magical experience for the reader. We can help you tell your brand’s unique story. Check out our SERVICES PAGE to learn more.